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Reinforcing your company's Cyber Security

This is a growing concern for companies, from SMEs to multinationals. Cybersecurity is a major issue. After all, any organization that is even remotely connected is a potential target for hackers.


This theme will be the focus of our end-of-year Business Breakfast, to be held successively in Neuchâtel (November 28), Lausanne (November 30) and Delémont (December 5).

A series of mini-conferences over the course of the early morning will focus on how companies need to deal with threats by adopting a proactive attitude, including access management, constant monitoring and the ability to react quickly in the event of a problem.

Presentations will be given in collaboration with our partner SOPHOS, a world leader in cybersecurity. Renaud Schweingruber, enterprise account executive at SOPHOS, will give us an overview of current cyberthreats likely to affect the French-speaking SME ecosystem. He will explain how to deal with them, both reactively and proactively. His colleague Michel Rueger, sales engineer, will talk about the SOPHOS Security Operation Center (SOC), which investigates, anticipates and neutralizes threats for subscribers at all times. There will even be a real-time demonstration.

As for UDITIS, our systems administrator David Bautista will be presenting the U-Secure Privilege Access Management (PAM) solution, which enables secure access to an IT environment.

There are still a few places available. Interested?