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Behind the scenes | Data Community Conference

The Data Community Conference 2023 marked a turning point in the world of data, setting a precedent for future events. Orchestrated by the concerted efforts of Florence Porret, Marketing Manager at dbi services, Estelle Paratte, Project Manager and Communication Lead, Vincent Heimann, Project Manager, and Emilie Rousseau, Web Designer at UDITIS, the conference aimed to unify the data community, transcending the traditional boundaries between various spheres of information technology. 


Vision and objectives

The Data Community Conference aimed to bring together various data communities that had often operated in silos. This gathering, initiated by dbi services and UDITIS and enhanced by its affiliation with the Sequotech group, aspired to establish an unprecedented platform for exchange, learning, and collaboration among professionals in the field. Estelle Paratte explains: "Our fundamental goal with the Data Community Conference was to create a community centered around Data, an entity that had been dispersed and fragmented until now. While there are specific communities like those of Oracle or PostgreSQL, there was a lack of a unifying link capable of federating all these diverse entities under one roof. The main idea of the event was therefore to merge talents, to amalgamate various expertise and perspectives around the theme of Data. This concept has expanded in scope and impact with the integration into Sequotech. The ambition now extends to encompassing the group's member companies, creating a unique platform. Ultimately, our goal was to build a bridge between different areas of expertise within the data universe, thereby encouraging mutual enrichment and synergy within our community."

The uniqueness of the event lies in its innovative nature and technological agnosticism. Unlike other conferences focused on specific technologies, this platform embraces a variety of technologies and approaches. “Agnosticism is an essential component of our conference,” Estelle highlights. The exchange of ideas and collaboration among participants were at the heart of the experience, forging a cohesive and active community in the dynamic data sector.

Strategy and partnership

Developing an effective partnership strategy was a central pillar of the Data Community Conference, as explained by Florence Porret. Faced with organizational and coordination challenges, the choice of partnerships was crucial for the event's success. Florence Porret outlines this approach: "We actively used the networks of our companies within the group to initiate dialogues and establish principles of agreement. Our goal was to build partnerships based on mutual exchange and support, highlighting the mutual benefits of these collaborations." These strategic partnerships not only facilitated on-site coordination but also brought significant advantages to the partners themselves. "The relationships we have developed with our partners aim to increase their visibility among a targeted technical audience, to highlight their expertise in discussion panels which contributes to the success and legitimacy of the event," Florence Porret specifies.

The key to success: collaboration and communication

Emilie Rousseau, Web Designer at UDITIS, played a pivotal role in developing the website for the Data Community Conference, highlighting the successful collaboration between UDITIS and dbi services, two key entities of the Sequotech group. This inter-company collaboration was essential for merging technical and creative visions into one coherent whole. Emilie shares her perspective: "The collaboration between UDITIS and dbi services for the Data Community Conference is great. By working closely with the dbi services teams, combined with the technical expertise of our developer Lancelot Magnin, we were able to fastly tackle significant UX and UI challenges. Our common goal was to create a website that was not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional and intuitive for users. Thanks to this synergy, we integrated advanced features such as smooth navigation, responsive interfaces suitable for all devices, and an optimized user journey to facilitate access to essential conference information. Lancelot's ability to translate our creative ambitions into viable technical solutions was a key driver of success. Together, we transformed the site into a central point for community engagement, thus supporting the Sequotech group's goal of promoting collaboration and innovation." This productive interaction between UDITIS and dbi services not only overcame barriers between design and technology but also proved that interdisciplinary collaboration within the Sequotech group could lead to innovative and engaging solutions, enhancing the overall user experience and actively contributing to the event's success.


Reflections and future

As the Data Community Conference 2023 has established solid foundations for a unified and engaged data community, the future promises to be rich with opportunities and challenges. Vincent Heimann and Estelle Paratte share their thoughts and visions for future editions, highlighting the importance of continuous improvement based on community feedback. Vincent Heimann emphasizes the importance of ongoing evaluation: "We are committed to continually improving the quality of interactions, communication, and speaker presentations to maximize the event's impact. By collecting and analyzing feedback, we identify strengths to develop and areas to improve." He adds that proximity to participants and attentive listening to their needs are crucial. Ensuring our team's availability to answer questions and provide assistance was a priority. Insights gained from the number of participants per session are valuable indicators to guide our future actions." 

Estelle Paratte highlights the synergy between internal teams and the contributions of group's member companies, which were crucial for offering rich and varied content. "Our ambition has always been to bring together a diverse community around data, creating a space where exchange and collaboration are paramount. This collaborative approach and our commitment to diversity and inclusion are reflected in our choice of speakers, and in the way we structure each session to enrich the experience of our participants," explains Estelle. The collaboration with Hervé Schweitzer, CTO, was crucial for integrating technological innovations into the conference content. The ideas of the Technology Leaders also played a central role in developing a diversified and inclusive program. "The selection of speakers was meticulously organized to cover a wide range of subjects and expertise. Personalities such as Aurélie Vache from OVHcloud, a recognized expert in DevRel, and Solange Ghernaouti, a cybersecurity expert from UNIL, brought valuable perspectives on contemporary topics such as cloud and cybersecurity. Professionals like Viktor Farcic, an expert in DevOps, and Christophe Bolinhas, software engineer at UDITIS, were essential for discussing critical technical aspects. Jean-Philippe Clapot and Emmanuel Wagner from dbi services enriched these discussions with their expertise in consulting and DevOps. Anaig Maréchal from Microsoft Philanthropies introduced an ethical dimension to artificial intelligence and machine learning, thus completing the spectrum of topics addressed."

These insights from Estelle Paratte and Vincent Heimann illustrate the organizers' commitment to evolving the Data Community Conference. Thanks to a community-focused approach and a commitment to excellence, the event promises to continue as a privileged meeting, learning, and sharing venue for data enthusiasts, thereby reinforcing its role as a catalyst in the field of information technology.

